Loving the weight-loss!

Sabrina • Kai Valerius Rosowski ❤️12-29-18❤️

Losing weight is something I've been trying to do my whole life, and it's finally happening! 😄

In the first picture I was 196lbs just graduated from high school in November 2016, also I had recently gotten out of an abusive relationship and with an amazing guy (my husband to-be) who encouraged me to be the best I could be, and supported me through it all, the second picture in March 2017, I was 175lbs, I had been eating super healthy and walking 2 miles a day. In the third in August 2017 I was 160lbs and working out like crazy and eating like crazy lol

And now, I've stopped smoking I'm getting married, we are trying for a baby and I'm finally at that healthy weight I've been striving my whole life to get to!! 150lbs!!!