Baby very low!! 😱😱😱😳😳😳

Mom of Boys • Mom of boys ages 9 and 4. Third baby boy born Jan 2nd 2018 💕

Anyone else have or had a baby who is veryyy low? The ultrasound tech had a hard time getting his head measurements and had me turn to my side and still couldn’t get them. Then she had to put the wand so low just to try to get a measurement she was literally trying not to go so low and not have to lower my pants but it was the only way and she still was struggling. He’s also head down which I’ve know since he was around 26 weeks. I’m 32 weeks and 3 days today. I know this doesn’t mean I’ll be going into labor soon, but I’m wondering if this is happening to anyone else? Also if you’ve carried this low before when did you happen to go into labor on your own? Thanks💕