Can't decide which to use...


So, I am using three different apps right now. This, pink pad, and my calculator. All 3 are telling me my ovulation date is different. My calender says that I ovulated on the 15th, which is when I feel like I was not ovulating yet. I had some ovulation pains, but my cervix was medium high and not fully open. My cm was also still lotiony. This app says that I am ovulating today. Maybe??? My cervix was wide open yesterday(16th) and I have been having egg white cm the ladt 2 days. We BDed yesterday. PinkPad says that I will ovulate on the 19th, which could be. I took an opk this afternoon and ot was almost stark white. Again I have been having a lot of egg white, super stretchy, clear cm these last two days. What do you think? Which app should I use?? Any advice??