Can she do that???

So I will admit I have several health issues. They seem to be piling up lately. Almost every day I deal with a small pain issue. I have headaches almost daily and sometimes migraines so bad that I throw up and my vision freaks out. Not once have I let it affect me or my work though! I only don't come when I am really sick, like throwing up and a fever (very rare). I would even go to work like that if I needed to, but I don't just do it for me, I don't want to get anyone else sick. Other than that I show up to work whenever I am scheduled and I do everything that is asked of me without question. Well, today I have had awful and very painful gas bubbles (burps) that just won't come out. They hurt so bad I felt like I couldn't breath at some points. I never said anything until my manager asked if I was ok. I just explained the situation and said I was fine. She said " There is always something wrong with you isn't there?! You're just like your mother and if you keep always complaining you just might lose your job!". Like wtf?! I didn't ask to go home or for any accommodation. I wasn't even complaining, I just answered her question! Can she fire me for that though? I didn't even do anything.


I live in Utah