The Who is more tired you or your husband game...

No matter how tired I am. No matter how late I stay up or how many times I get up or pregnancy insomnia takes away half my night some how my husband who went to sleep before our toddler wakes up exhausted. Or should i say is woken up by me after I’ve been up with our toddler for at least two hours. And all I want to say is shut the fuck up!! I’m so tired of hearing how tired he is. I’m 38 weeks pregnant schlepping my toddler to school an hour away (traffic) at 8am waking up at 630 to make lunch breakfast and pack his bag before I get him ready for school before I get ready for work. Then drive to work before I drive to pick him up. Then come home to decide and or make dinner.

So while I love my husband and could not would not want to be without him I really want to tell him to STFU about how tired he is all the time

You feel me ladies??