deadbeat parents

long story short my boyfriend has full custody of his 4 year old daughter. her mother has been absent for about 8 months until she recently took us to court for more visitation time. she has supervised visits every Saturday with her now and the next court date is on the 30th of this month. so far she has violated the court order 2 times and it literally seems like the courts are just favoring her and giving her whatever she wants. she is a drug addict and just gave birth to another baby. every time she has a visit my anxiety is sky high and I hate that I feel like she has the upper hand just because she gave birth to her. I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced a similar situation and has any advice/insight. all of this stress is no good especially when TTC. I'm so lost. And I know that biologically speaking this woman has rights. I'm not oblivious to that. it just feels like her father and I are forking over all of this money for lawyers just so she can continue being a pos mom. And I do EVERYTHING for this little girl. just so this awful woman can come in and take credit for my work when she sees her 3 hours a week. if I showed you the text messages she sends us you'd be disgusted