Spotting? 39 weeks tomorrow. Is this normal? X

What can this mean?

I am 39 weeks pregnant tomorrow and have been having period pain like cramp since about 36 weeks which is usually after I wee. I’ve been checked for infection etc and I’m all ok. Midwife wasn’t too worried. She said it might be baby moving down etc. Normal. 2 days ago I had an examination as she wanted to see if she could do a sweep but she couldn’t as baby wasn’t quite low enough. She was quite gentle and it wasn’t painful. Just abit uncomfy. I had had the same done 3 days beforehand too and that women was much more rough and it really hurt me and I had no bleeding.

I didn’t have any sign of bleeding until 30 hours after this most recent examination.

Is this normal, is this anything to do with the examination, labour or should I call the hosp?

Any advice would be great x