Shorter period then normal..??


So usually my period is 5 days long but for some reason this month it came a day early and ended 2 days early.. so it was only 3 days long. I am really confused and I don’t understand why?? Does anyone know why?

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Not sure how old you are but I am going through the same ... my periods used to last 6-7 days . I’m super regular too!!! All of a sudden my periods are 3-4 days max ... I was like wtf is going on ???!! My dr explained that women’s cycle change as they get older . I’m 37. It’s scary but completely normal...


Vanessa • Nov 18, 2017
My dr says as long as your getting your periods every month regularly your fine . So if your still getting it monthly I wouldn’t be too concerned . Your still so young too so I wouldn’t worry . Take care


Alexis • Nov 18, 2017
Oh ok makes sense. I used to get it at the end of the month now I get it in the middle and also now it’s 3 days long.. I’m 21 and I’ve never had this happen before