For sure girls or maybe boys ?

Desireé • Gabriel 💙 / Twins 🤰🏻 2018

Long story short with my first pregnancy they said Girl @ my anatomy scan then @ 37 weeks I was told Boy (I delivered a boy )

I'm have Identical Mo/Di twins on the way now so I'm paranoid that they got it wrong.

With my first tho I didnt actually see a potty shot my self , the tech (student btw) said Girl but didn't provide pictures 😒

I paid for a gender reveal ultrasound with my twins to make sure and my doctor confirmed. I would get a blood test but my insurance doesn't cover it 🤦🏻‍♀️ and I'm paying for one. (Am poor enough) 😂 Sooooo WHAT YALL THINK 🤔🤔

The ultrasound for gender was done @ 18 weeks. I have my anatomy scan Monday with my MFM.

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