Stuck in limbo!

Hey everyone. So I don't know what else to do so I decided to post here. I have been TTC since July. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 19 now 25. I have been put on different kinds of birth control to try and help. I stopped my pills a little less than one year ago and my periods were none existent after that. When my partner and I decided we wanted to try I started taking Vitex in mid July. Needless to say I had a normal 5 day period in less than 2 weeks of taking them. I have a 31 day cycle and now regular. My thing is, I am now on cycle day 38. Yes, exactly one week late and all negative pregnancy tests! I don't think it's my PCOS acting up because I don't have the harsh cramps I normally get when it does. I hate PCOS and being stuck in limbo. Yes, I do have some symptoms but no sign of AF anywhere. Has this ever happened to anyone else trying? Trying not to get my hopes up or discouraged. JUST STUCK IN LIMBO!