Pregnancy symptoms

I learnt about 3 days ago I’m going to be a mom!!

AF wasn’t even due! The day AF was due I tested blood work at 181.4 UI/L.

Sounds good to me. I start to feel like crap!

Insomnia since a week... waking up in the middle of the night craving or needing to pee! Can’t go back to sleep again and during the day I feel so tired I can’t connect at work...

I nose bleed in the morning

I have diarrhea. I have little cramps and sore boobs.

I don’t feel nauseous all the time so that’s okay but I’m only at the start of this pregnancy.

Has anyone felt like that so early?

I mean 13/14 dpo.

I feel lucky to have symptoms cause I feel pregnant but it’s kind of hard too.

Please share with me your stories mamas!