How do you feel about kids that *aren’t yours* holding your newborn?

I’m a first time mom & I have 2 nieces (aged 9 & 5) & 2 nephews (aged 4 & 2). I know they’re super excited to meet their cousin but... I honestly don’t know if I’m 100% comfortable with letting them hold her & it makes me feel like a bitch. :-/ I know my sister is going to ask them if they wanna hold her but I just hate the thought of it. It’s not that I don’t want them touching my daughter, I want them to have a good relationship & be able to play together, I’m just so scared that they’ll drop her or something... If I do feel comfortable enough to try I’m obviously not letting the 2 year old do it (just gonna have him in my lap while I hold her or something) but the older ones I’m going to make them sit down & be right there next to them making sure they’re supporting her head & whatnot but I just have so much anxiety about it... would it make me a terrible person if I made them wait until she was at least a couple weeks old? How do you feel about kids that aren’t yours holding your newborn?