Baby boy is finally here!


Induced at exactly 41 weeks with my second baby (was induced at 41 weeks with my first as well). Only 7 hours of labor after my water was broken and Pitocin was started. I only pushed 8 times for a total of 12 minutes! I pushed for 2 hours with my first! I couldn’t be more pleased with how my labor went this time around. Though the very end was scary, his shoulder came out with his head, while his other was stuck. Luckily he came out fast enough, there was no break and he is using both arms perfectly fine! My daughter was 9lbs. 2oz. and 20 ¾ in., and our little man was 8lbs. 7oz. and 21 in. long! Crazy how much of a difference that actually is! Welcome little man! 💙👣 adding a picture of my daughter for comparison of how much they look alike! 😍

Good luck to all the ladies that are still pushing through these last few weeks of pregnancy! Although it may suck, your prize at the end will be WELL worth it!