Herpes While Pregnant


I have both normal and Genital Herpes. Not sure which strain on genitals as I’ve never had it tested but pretty sure it is just HSV1. In any case... I have a few breakouts a year. However, since I have been pregnant I have had one breakout every week for the last 6 weeks!!! 3 downstairs and three on my face. Just when one ends another one starts. I was hoping this one on my nose would be the last one for a while but no... I just realized a new one is starting on my upper lip! The doctor said he would prescribe me medicine but he forgot to call it in. I can’t take this and I just want to cry. It is causing such a lack of intimacy between my husband and me because I don’t want to give it to him. He’s never had it even on his face. I’m going to call the doctor tomorrow and get that prescription, but I just hate how bad it has gotten!! Has anyone else experienced this and if so did it go back to normal after having the baby?