38 weeks 4 days!!! Cant believe i only have ten days left till my due date!!!!

Its still a shock to me that I am actually getting the chance to be a mom! After being with my boyfriend for almost ten years and over 7 years of trying we finally got that double pink line and I was beyond excited but so nervous. Now being only 10 days away from my due date things just don't feel real to me.... That any day now I could be welcoming my baby girl into the world and starting our journey as a family. My pregnancy definitely wasn't the easiest to handle was so sick at the start an was sick for 10 weeks start lost 15 pounds and was so scared of what would happen to my baby. Then for a couple weeks things were amazing felt great was going out and able to live a normal life instead of being stuck home throwing up all the time. Once I hit 32 weeks that was it for me I had the worst pressure an pain anytime I'd go for long walks or even try an clean or do anything. Now being 38 weeks 4 days I can barely stand to wash dishes and bending is the hardest thing for me right now but I wouldn't change any of it I love getting the chance to be a mom an I can't wait to spoil my daughter with so much love!