Scared of another miscarriage


Need some advice ladies on how to deal with the worry of having another miscarriage and get excited for this rainbow baby!

So my back story. I have a very healthy two and half year old boy. Very easy pregnancy which did not prepare me for the miscarriage I had about 5 months ago. I was devastated and all though I know it happens never thought it would happen to me.

Fast forward today. I am about 8 and half weeks pregnant. Saw the doctor last week and had an ultrasound that confirmed the pregnancy and saw the heartbeat. This time during my pregnancy I would have had no problem telling people including coworkers. And frankly just be very excited and preparing for the baby! This time around I’m so worried. I don’t want to jinx it and having a hard time getting excited. With my MC there was no symptoms and only found out after I went to the doctors and at first the ultrasound showed an empty sac. After going to a higher tech ultrasound twice they determined the baby didn’t have a heart beat and was no longer developing. I had no symptoms what so ever there was something wrong. I also have a friend who just had a miscarriage after she saw the heartbeat around 8 weeks.

What can I do to stop worrying and get excited for this pregnancy? If I could I would be at the doctors every other day getting an ultrasound I would but I know that’s not going to happen!