I miss being pregnant 💔 NICU blues


My little boy was born at 34 weeks at 3lbs 15oz just over a week ago. I wasn’t ready to be done. I loved it so much. They took him away 2 minutes after he was born, I got my tear stitched up, my belly disappeared within hours, and I was left in a hospital room for hours because I was on magnesium waiting to go meet him. And while everything feels okay when I’m at the hospital with him, I feel so alone when I’m at home with no baby in my belly or out. He was my buddy in my tummy and kept me company. Now I sleep with his blanket, get up every 3 hours to pump, and am attend every single feeding of his from 8am-8pm. It’s so defeating being this exhausted and my boobs hurting from pumping, but not having a baby with me to make it all better. I love him so much it hurts. While some nurses will let me sit and hold him for hours, others take him away and put him in his incubator right after he’s done attempting to breastfeed, which hasn’t been successful yet. My heart just hurts and I feel sick to my stomach from the moment I leave until I get back. I know he won’t be there forever, but it’s been 8 days and he’s not showing any sign of being released anytime soon...