Ugh teething 😩


My daughter will be 7 mo on Saturday and she’s getting her second tooth in. This one has been a living hell compared to the first one coming through. She would be grumpy and woke up one time at 3 am. She has slept through the night since a month old. But this second tooth, she has just about cut all of her naps except 1, and has been up every night around 2-3 am for the last week. Some nights she eats and goes to sleep. But others she eats then acts like she’s going to sleep and 5 seconds later she’s like the flipping energizer bunny! I’m about to rip my hair out. Especially when my husband says he needs a nap during the day after sleeping 10-12 hrs...and he’s not the one up with her. And I’m 18+3 weeks pregnant. My body is so exhausted, and this week is crazy with thanksgiving and everything going on...I just want to sleep 😴😩 I don’t even know what to do for her tooth to help her sleep better. Nothing helps her.