How do you stay calm when your husband pisses you the fuck off?


My husband is the dirtiest person ever. I work full time and he works like 36 hours a week. However, I manage everything in our household during the week because he works till about 7:30. So baseball, cub scouts, homework, etc. for our child is managed by me. I got this week off and have been spending every day DEEP cleaning because my brother and fiancé will be seeing our house tomorrow and staying the night. I have been asking my husband to clean the garage for over 2 months!! The backyard looks so trashy with him leaving trash everywhere. All of my "chores" (the whole 2,400 SFhouse) looks great! His tasks makes us look so white trash. I HATE it!! So now because he is working today - I HAVE TO CKEAN THE FUCKING GARAGE AND ITS ALL HIS SHIT!!!! I have told him time and time that it bothers me that he doesn't help out more. Then he wonders why I give him attitude the day before/ day of a party / people coming over?? He tries to avoid me because he says I'm on a "cleaning frenzy." No you jackass. Ughhh does anyone else deal with this? I'm trying to stay calm but I'm this close to flipping shit!!! He made a comment to me yesterday about how he was at work all day and I was off... 😡😡 me cleaning for days is not an off day for me. My feet are swollen from standing all day and I'm 22 weeks pregnant.