Stupid Love Triangle

Okay so me and this guy met my 9th grade year and that following year he moved to live with his mom to another state. My junior year we started back talking but more as friends and eventually started dating (yes it was a distance relationship) Throughout those 11 months we had fights and arguments about any and everything but for some reason I could never leave him. One time we was even at the fair and so I was playing around and stuff and walked off. I came back looking for him when really he went looking for me and so when he came back he had a teddy and threw it at my face walking off getting attention on us in public. We would constantly try to take breaks thinking that while on the break things would change but it did not And no that’s not all we did we also had great moments. He was my first everything...first valentine and etc. I love him so much and care about him a lot and I’m the only person he really has to go to. Last week we had unprotected sex and I told my mom because I was scared. She was mad but not as mad as I expected her to be so she took me to the doctor and I ended up not getting pregnant. She told me that I could never see or talk to my boyfriend ever again because of what happened saying how he did not really love me and how he wanted to hit and quick but the whole time she never tried to get to know him. And then came my ex into my life from middle school who claims he still has feelings for me. We were off and on for about 3 years because he would constantly cheat on me without even an explanation and I don’t know what to do. Says how he wasn’t ready to commit and man up to be in a real relationship because I was at the time. He really gets annoying sometimes but with what I’m going through I just want to talk to him to get time to pass by. I don’t want to continue talking to the guy my mom told me not to because I don’t want to disobey her but I really love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him. He is my best friend and has been there through some of my darkest times. Even if I try to explain to her how I feel towards him all she and the rest of my family will ignore me. My mom said that the relationship me and the guy I started back talking to my junior year was toxic and was unhealthy. Is she right? I mean maybe she is though.