Freaking out-IVF

Zahra • Baby oh Baby! I’m so proud to be a mama! Wishing you a Health-TEA Day. Zahra Karmali Director of Business Development TAK tea

My husband and I have been TTC for 4 years. I’m 36 he’s 47. We’ve been given the diagnosis unexplained infertility and recommended to <a href="">IVF</a>. We bought all these meds and I’m supposed to start today day 21 using a med called triptorlin 3.75. I read about it and it doesn’t seem right. I read through some posts on glow and even though there are some differences most of you have similar meds! I a freakin mess! I’ve been sick for the past 5 days getting hot and cold sweats, my head hurts when I cough and I’ve been throwing up. :( I need some advise ladies! Please can you reach out to me and tell me what meds have worked for you? What meds have you been prescribed? What your <a href="">IVF</a> process is??? Thank you so much!