I don’t know what to do 😔


Hey ladies, so I’m currently 37weeks pregnant and last week my husband caught me off guard with “I need a break I’m not happy and I won’t be home for a while”. I’m completely devastated and it caught me completely by surprise. I have had the worst week of my life. We’ve been married 5 years and I’m having his baby in less than two weeks. Could the timing be any worse? He says he will come home the day before my scheduled CSection to try and work things out but he seems so determined that we will fail yet we really haven’t focused on trying to be a couple which is probably why he’s unhappy. He never knew how to balance work and family and with that he probably lost connection. I just needed to vent and see if anyone else has gone through this or any tips to reconnect with him? Never been through this before and I have extremely bad anxiety as well so it’s been so hard for me to cope with it. Please no rude comments, this is so hard already.