Don’t ask to borrow anything of mine if you’re gonna lose it or not return it!


I have made it official that no one. And I mean no one, is allowed to borrow my crochet hooks ever again. My mom and sister never return them to me and start six different projects before, during, and/or after what they’re working on. And I’m stuck “trusting” they won’t lose them. My sister has borrowed all my hooks at this point and lost one. She also lets her THREE YEAR OLD son chew on them. They’re not teething toys, and we all know he has all of his teeth in. That’s how he gets sick cause you let him shove everything in his mouth and let him lick everything in sight. My mother started three different projects with the ones I leant to her, before realizing how annoyed I’m getting and buying her own. And when I came home tonight I found that my hooks weren’t where I left them. My sister was the last one to use any of them and now they’re gone. Beyond pissed right now and here’s the punch line they were all gifts. All of the crochet hooks but one were given to me as gifts from my sister and cousin. And now I only have two because she couldn’t keep her meat paws off of them. Thanks for the present but if you can’t return my shit or leave it where I left it then don’t ask to borrow it. Clearly you don’t understand the concept of “ borrowing”. And just because I said you can borrow them one time isn’t an okay to whenever you need a hook. You have your own and if you lost all yours, don’t be that person and lose someone else’s. That’s rude. You’re not doing me a service by taking it to my room for me and putting it where only you know. That’s also rude. You’re clearly being selfish at that point.