Need to say it!

Liz ❤️

I just have to say it somewhere.

2017 is almost over and i am happy.

I have the love of life next to me, a person who has taught me soo much. An admirable human being, ive had plenty of relationship in the past but none like the one i am in now. I love this man to death!!! He is just great i cant even emphasize how great he is, caring, sweet, funny, a hardworker, a person whos been hurt by his past yet he still manages to be a better person today. He is a great father not only to his daughters but also to my son. He is dedicated, always looking to better himself, and helping others not looking for anything in return ever. I am beyond happy god crossed our paths and as days go by i know this is the man of my life. I literally have no friends but honestly i dont think i need any, he fills up for that too! Super funny, a dork at times but never have i had a dull moment w him. He is great! Sorry girls im just thankful and happy! I had to share this w someone, and unfortunately my family cant be happy for me instead they do the exact opposite. But i am thankful and honestly wouldn’t have it any other way! 😩💕❤️