im lost and confused


hi girls ...I'm married to my husband and he wants a divorce since the 6th of November we have been argued so much . I understand that he does long shifts at work and comes home tired but all I want is some help from him .anyway we had make up sex and bam I'm about 4 weeks pregnant and now he still wants the divorce .he said to me yesterday 'i don't care if ur pregnant ,once this baby is born I want a DNA test ' because someone has told him I cheated on him in Start of marriage (I haven't ) I keep telling him show me proof . he has no proof I want to stay with him . I'm done so much for him and he knows it . he doesn't even wanna try to work it out . I want to stay with him . I love this man and sits there and says I'm cheated seriously after 2 years he say this to me

we have things we can do like having seprete house so we can work on the relationship

oh to top it of he said to me I'll have everything to do with the baby but not with u man I'm so mad