More than lucky ❤️

Cora • Mom of three💖💖💙 | Licensed Hairdresser🖤

I've been unemployed since the end of July because my morning sickness got so bad and my insurance didn't want to cover the good medicine. I've been looking for a job since October and unfortunately no place wants to hire a pregnant lady who can't stand for long periods of time or lift heavy objects. I was getting bummed over the fact that it's Christmas shopping season and I didn't have that much money left over from my job to spend on gifts because I still do pay bills. My boyfriend and I recently started selling on amazon to make extra money for me and we both opened two checking accounts to put towards Amazon. Today he took his second debit card and put $300 on it and told me to spend money, since it's Black Friday and there are good deals. Of course I only spent $60 because I hate spending money. I bought our daughter a cute dress from [Janie and Jack] and then a new maternity shirt for our pictures today (my brothers gift to my parents). He was like, "I gave you money to spoil yourself with." I'm big into makeup but I didn't see much I wanted at sephora. I told him I'm relieved now because I can get him things for Christmas, even though he told me I didn't have to.

I'm more than lucky to have found someone so caring and patient. Someone who loves me and our unborn little girl. She has so many clothes and she's not even here yet. I would have rather me have my own money earned from a job but he said it's both our money that he earns because we're in this together and he will always be there to help me even when I don't want him to help.

Also, Black Friday shopping while 24.3 weeks pregnant is ROUGH. My knees hurt and I'm exhausted. But it was fun and we spent time together. I can't wait to get him little gifts for Christmas. He needs a sound bar for his computer so I'm thinking that'll be the biggest present I get him 😂💕