Advice ?


Hello ladies I’m 24, has a missed miscarriage is august should of been 11 weeks but lost the baby at 8 weeks and had a d&c; done beginning of august. This morning I woke up peed and period like blood came , I peed again and nothing came out. I instantly panicked went to the er. I ended up having a subchoronic hemorrhage, also they said the baby was measuring 6 weeks 2 days, which a day ahead of what I thought, but the heart beat was a little slow not sure how slow they didn’t tell me. He said I could be consider high risk due to recent miscarriage. My blood pressure was high when I got to er but came way down when I was leaving. My hcg levels were normal for how far I am. I have to call tomorrow to be seen maybe for a pelvic exam. My first appt is next Friday. Do you think the babies heart beat will increase to where it should be ? I went to the mall shorty after the hospital. And had to walk out of the store I literally felt like I was going to pass out. I was sweating. Dizzy. My head hurt bad. I’m feeling okay now. Just a little cramp here and there. Any advice ? How can I help the baby’s heart rate get to where it needs to be ?