When to go to ER?

I️ am 19 weeks 4 days. I️ Work in retail management and of course have been working extremely long hours with the holiday season here. I️ have not been sleeping well and have been extremely exhausted.

Today I️ tried to work and had intense sharp pains on the side of my stomach since waking up. I’ve also had nausea again, but haven’t thrown up. I’ve also had diarrhea throughout the day and haven’t been able to eat but one small meal this morning. I️ came home to rest and slept around 6 hours and feel a little better. I️m still having pain in my stomach but I️ can’t determine if it’s normal round ligament pain or something else. I️m able to keep Gatorade and water down so I️ shouldn’t be dehydrated

I️m supposed to work early tomorrow morning and I️ just want to go back to sleep because I️m so uncomfortable. Does this sound like normal pregnancy symptoms or should I️ make a trip to ER?