Anyone have this happen in 3rd tri? Scared:(

Jamie • Baby # 3 on the way.

So I️ was in the car when all the sudden felt really dizzy AND like I️ coulnt think clearly . Husband was driving and when he asked what was wrong I️ keep

Saying “idk” bc I️ literally couldn’t speak , like get my words out. Felt like I️ was going to pass out. And mostly felt like

I️ wasn’t geting enough oxygen to my brain. This went on for 2 hours and my husband called OBGYN on call and all they said was “have her lay down and drink something was sugar”.

I️ mean I’m so scared now. I️ literally felt like I️ had a stroke bc I️ was able to think but not get

My words out..

And was going to die and no one cared.

Any thoughts? Anyone experience this?