When things don’t go as planned...my birth story.


FTM here, and I wanted and planned for the most natural birth that I could possibly obtain while in a hospital. However, my babe had other plans....

My girl was between a transverse and oblique position so we scheduled an ECV for 11/24. I was called on 11/21 in the afternoon to be told that I needed to be at the hospital at 6:30am the next morning for the procedure and to follow was either an induction, or if unsuccessful, a cesarean delivery. As soon as I hung up the phone reality that we were having this baby smacked me in the face! I had to call my work and tell them I wouldn’t be in the following day as I was going to meet my girl!

So with short notice, we packed everything up and made it to the hospital the following morning. All seemed well with a positive outlook and high hopes from my doctor and nurses as she was close to the birth position, just a little outta whack!

Ironically that morning I began having contractions 5 minutes apart in the way there and 3 once we arrived at L&D.; Things were looking great and I was so excited to get down to business and bring this girl into the world!

After the necessary routines and fluids were down for the procedure I was walked into the the OR without my fiancé as he was suiting up; that’s when I had a really scary and not so good gut feeling things were about to get interesting.

The staff was great at keeping me calm as they gave me a spinal, then catheter for the procedure. My partner was still not there.

They began the version which entailed an insane amount of pressure. Still no partner. Next thing I know, I was told quickly that the version was unsuccessful as she turned right back around, and once they tried to move her again, she went into distress and her HR dropped significantly. I am still without my partner. I was told a c-section was vital and it needed to happen now. I was alone and about to start losing it.

I needed my fiancé more than anyone. Once it became an emergency they ran to get him in the room. He was then brought in as they were already about done taking baby and preparing to suture me up. He went to go be with her until she was done being assessed. Once finished he brought her over for me to see.

Goodness she was beautiful!

I’m currently on the road to recovery and have a beautiful babygirl as my reward. This is not how I planned for ANY part of my delivery to go. I almost feel cheated, or as if I cheated, and it’s hard to accept at times. I had the worst fear walking into that OR. It was so sterile and cold and something in my gut just told me I wasn’t leaving that room until this baby was born.

I guess it’s one way to experience that things aren’t always going to go your way, especially with kids!

So I’d like to introduce our sweet girl, Brooklyn Denise. Born November 22, 2017 at 09:51am weighing 8#9oz, and measuring 21” long!

She is definitely a daddy’s girl...

See?! 😉

We’re hoping her blue eyes stay to match mommy’s!

And she was very excited when we told her we were going home today!

Thanks for reading! 💜