So mad and I don’t know if it’s the hormones or what

My FIL decided a week ago that he would show up to my house, unannounced, and walk his happy ass to my bedroom without warning or even trying to call me or my husband to say he was here, let alone inside! I was in the middle of getting dressed and luckily my husband saw him before he, I don’t know, walked in!!!?? So I told my husband-if you do not say something to him I will. He promised me over and over again he would tell him it’s not ok. Which to me is an understatement but I went along with the promise. Now his father called him all the next day to talk about some toothbrush he was giving him and even went to my husbands work to drop it off-all the while my husband has yet to explain the rules of my home. So-tonight-I ask...have you said anything to your father? And of course he says no, I haven’t. WTF? Are you kidding me? I am not joking when I say I am pissed. And I am even more upset that he is making it a thing where he doesn’t want to argue! I don’t want to argue either! Do what you say! Defend your wife! I’m not sure how this will go but I know I will be the only one who looks bad in the end-I hate my father in law even more now-my husband is so weak when it comes to him-rant over for now :(