Beyond Excited!!!! I can't contain myself!

Loni • Follower of Christ 🕇Wife to an amazing Husband💍 Baby Boy due August 2018 💙♥

This was our 2nd month trying and I really went through some emotions that first month when I didn't end up pregnant. it was beginning to break me down spiritually. So I had a talk with God and told Him that He is in full control of when He wants this to happen. And then BOOM! it happened! I didn't even think I was pregnant... The only symptom I've had is my breasts are really sore at times, but I usually have that before my period is about to come, I also had mild cramping as if AF was on her way. But nope I won't be seeing her for a long time! 😎 So ladies who are TTC don't give up and don't lose hope.. Most importantly, don't stress it. God's timing is the BEST timing. I will say it was hard to understand that at first but I gave it a try and I trusted Him and it happened when I least expected. Now I'm never doubting Him again. Baby dust and prayers to you all... 💕💙 According to <a href="">baby apps</a> I am 4 weeks and 2 days. I decided test when my period was 2 days late. Will be making a doc appt this week to confirm. This will be my husband and I's first baby... 😊