I’m a bad friend..


My best friend is everything to me. She’s amazing and I love her. The only problem is that she keeps shutting me off whenever there’s something wrong. She tweets stuff like “I’m sad” or “I’m seriously so pissed rn” and if I ask her what’s wrong or what happened, she’ll ignore me.

That also happens whenever I text her asking if she’s ok. If she answers, she’ll always say “I’m great” even when she doesn’t mean it.

Now I know what it’s like to be sad and don’t want to talk about it, but that’s not the case here at all! She talks to her other friends about her problems all the time!

I get upset because I feel like I’m failing her as a friend. I don’t know if it’s because she doesn’t trust me or if she feels like I can’t help her... either way it hurts. A lot.