Threatened to be fired?!?

I work in a gift shop in a small town. It is a public place though and I can't control people. My friend and her baby daddy (don't know if they are still together, she caught him cheating) came in to go through the museum. After they went through she stopped and talked to me for a minute. Keep in mind my manager has friends come over that she will spend forever talking to come all the time. While my friend and I were talking her baby daddy went into the gift shop and started messing with some if our items. He started stacking some magnets up into a tower and they fell and landed hard onto our glass counter top. It scratched it, but luckily didn't break it. My manager saw the while thing. My friend then grabbed him after cleaning up the magnets and they left after she said she was sorry that he is such a child. My manager then turned to me after they left and said that if that ever happened again she would fire me and that if the glass had broke I would have been paying for it! Like, what?!?! How was any of that my responsibly?! He is not my child or something! He is a grown adult and it is a public place, I cant tell him he can't come in and can't look at and touch thing's that are for sale! I do live in a place where they can fire me for any reason, but do you think it would have been right of her to fire me and make me pay for the counter?

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