Do you find it cruel??

My grandpa is getting older. In his late 60's or early 70's. My grandma passed away a year ago at age 63. It has been the hardest thing ever for our family. She had a miniature dachshund. The dog loved her more than anything in the world. He is now 15-17 years old and struggling. He sleeps like 23 hours a day, is missing all but like 3 of his teeth, is completely deaf, almost completely blind, and is pretty crippled in his front legs. He has a really hard time walking. He still eats and drinks fine and will get up and walk around sometimes, sometimes he will even run around. He poops and pees all over. It's really kind of sad. My grandpa won't put him down though. I know he is probably having a hard time letting the dog go because he is my grandma's, bug do you think it's cruel to not put him down??

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