❗️HELP! How to be more confident?❗️

In my teen years I use to be a very outgoing and confident girl. I could talk to anyone without any fear of being judged and would make friends rather easily.

Now that I’m in my mid twenties, I have zero confidence and it pains me to talk to someone I don’t know. I honestly have no idea what made me this way. I’m afraid of talking to authoritative figures in fear of being belittled, embarrassed or scolded. I am afraid to talk to those I don’t know in fear of embarrassing myself, saying the wrong thing or coming off weird.

I am so tired of feeling this way. I hate it. I HATE that I feel like everyone is superior to me.

Any way to deal with this without going to therapy (as we are moving in a few months and i don’t want to have to change therapists). Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.