Do you always have an orgasm during sex?

DM • 🇨🇦 Rainbow baby due Jan 23,2021 🌈 🍁

I dont know if there is something wrong with me, sometimes I feel like there is. I love my husband soo much and am so attracted to him, just thinking about him gets me aroused! But when it comes to sex...i CAN NOT cum. He used to feel bad for not getting me off but I think we have both come to the realization that thats just the way I am. Its definitley not him, I feel its me! I can have an orgasm by myself. But when we have sex, its intense and great but he cums and I am no where close. As soon as he hits the shower, I get aroused and wha-la...there it is. Why can it not be while I am making love to my husband?! 😢

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