Planned c-section vs very difficult vaginal birth

Hi ladies,

I know its still far away but I've been schedule for a c-section in spring, I need to make a decision by April. Long time away but I am already thinking about it all.

My first birth was extremely difficult: 9 pounds baby, stuck, stressed with lack of oxygen, 2 failed inductions, pitocin, failed epidural, tear, stitches, extreme loss of blood, hospital stay for a week, scan infection, urine infections after birth, strong painkillers for over a month, heavy bleed 2 weeks after my birth resulting in further loss of blood and hospitalisation, fissures ( sounds like a problem for life now ) I couldn't sit or walk for a month, I also had a severe hematoma where my scar was so it took ages to heal, postnatal depression - due to such stressful time I couldn't breastfeed my milk never came and then my 28 hour labour almost ended up in emergency c - section. I also have a sever pelvic floor damage even though my pelvic floor is strong I had physio but they said my nerves are dead on my right side which is an issue to live with - hardly any feel during sex, difficulty to control bladder etc.. so due to all of that with my second they offering me a scheduled c-section. Do I take it? I feel like the risks of c-section scare me less than going through labour again and not knowing what I will go through this time round can I even risk it :-( what would you do ? If any ladies had tough first labour and planned c-section after can you tell me your experience thank you x