When little Cameron came


My boyfriend and I went to the hospital Friday morning about 2:00 a.m because I was having a lot of pain, when we got there they checked me and I was only 2cm so they sent me back to the house. I went back to sleep and woke up about 12:00 that afternoon and I was feeling just fine no pain whatsoever my mother in law told me to go stay with my dad since he lives about 10 minuets from the hospital so I did. I walked all day and about 8:30 I took a bath I was so relaxed and not haven’t any pain that I was just gonna go back to the house but something told my boyfriend to take me to the hospital so at 9:00 we went and I was 4cm, they broke my water at 12:00 that night and they cut the cord at 2:10. I didn’t have the epidural and I only had to push for 3 minuets ! If my mom wouldn’t have ran in the room she would have missed it.