Finally my turn!!


Yesterday (Nov. 25) I woke up at 7 am to a bad backache, got in the shower and noticed strong contractions. I got out and started timing them. They were already 3.5-4 minutes apart! I told my husband that we needed to find sitters for the big brothers, and we headed out the door! Got to the hospital at 9:30, they monitored me and me walk around until 12:00, I was finally admitted at 12:30, OB came in and broke my water at 2, got the epidural at 2:45, took a nap and watched a couple Harry Potter movies with my husband. By 7:15 I woke up feeling pressure, nurses called my OB in, she checked me at 7:30 and said I was ready to push, 1 contraction later and he was out!

Charlie James Harold, born 39+4, 7lbs 1oz, 20 inches long. He is perfect ❤️