Being With the Guy Who Won't

Get his sh*t together.

The longest he's held a job is 5 months long. He was recently fired again from a job that only lasted two months. I'm sick of stressing out & sick of his selfish behavior. He spent the last of his paycheck on a video game & fantasy football(because he has a chance to win soo much money 🙄). I only work part time so my income alone won't cut it. I feel like I'm raising a 4th child. If I don't pay his child support for him, he goes to jail & I'm starting to not care. Nearly every time I ask for help around the house it doesn't get done or he complains about doing it. Anytime I try to talk about how I feel he says he feels like he needs to die. He's very mentally unwell and won't see a therapist or take his meds half the time. I'm so tired of trying to fix him when i cant. I'm trying to force feelings for him that just aren't there. There are 2 things that keep me from kicking him out. 1. We have kids together 2. I'm afraid he'll kill himself

Anyone else go through this? What do I do?