Freaking out!


My mom has the worst timing. I finally came to terms that I should have a c section after my last delivery catastrophe. Tomorrow I have my 37 week appointment. I have kaiser. I’ve been sent to high risk because of my last delivery. The doctor said I could choose between a c section or a vaginal birth. I told her I’d let her know at my next appointment (tomorrow). My mom called me telling me she needs to be at my appointment tomorrow because she’s worried they’re not going to let me have a c section or induce me early like they said they would. She begins to go on a rant about how kaiser is anti c section and early induction and how they’re going to bully me, etc, etc. well I laughed it off and politely ended the conversation. But now, being crazy and pregnant I’m kinda freaking out what she said could happen. Help me calm down!!