Would you quit??

Alright, I woke up this morning sick. I'm nauseous and have a slight fever as well as diarrhea. Before I get to the reason why I am mad let me give a little back story with my job.

Alright, I work at a museum as a gift shop clerk. There are 2 others girls that have the same position we just work different days. You can either work a full day at 7.25 hours or a half day at 4.25 hours depending on how you are scheduled. The one girl (we shall call her May) has a second job and works at the second job majority of the time. If she works at the museum is is either 2-3 full days or less. She also has only been there 1 month more than me (I have been there a year and 8 months) and she has taken at least 6-7 vacations and all have been a week or more long. I have taken 2 and one of them was only 3 days for my Honeymoon.

The second girl (we will call her Paige) goes to college. When she applied she thought she would be able to work the student hours (it is a job through the university) which is 19 hours a week. Well, she is student council and found out that if she gets more than 9 hours a week she will lose her scholarship. She has only been there a few months and asks for time off to go to concerts and shit all the time. I am always willing to work around their schedule and help them wherever I can. So that means if she has something with student council and needs a day off I am usually willing and do take the shift for her so she can go. I do the same for May and her other job or vacations. They both got their birthdays off as well.

Well, I do have health issues lately, but still come to work whenever I am scheduled. I only call in sick if I have a fever which is rare. Today I do have a fever so I called in and my manager said she would cover me. She then said that I have to work all day tomorrow, MY BIRTHDAY! She gave the other 2 their birthday off! I had plans with my grandma for tomorrow! She was going to take me upstate to my favorite restaurant and to a movie. She hasn't seen a movie or been in a theatre for about 20-30 years!!! This was a big deal for me! My grandma is also getting old and had a heart attack last year. I want to spend every second I can with her.

Would you be mad?! Do I have a right to be? I am fuming! It's not fair the way the other 2 get treated so much better than I. Is there anything I can do? I am really upset.

* I text her yesterday and expressed I was unhappy and that I had already made plans and she got super pissed, but still gave me both days off.