Labia acceptance

Isn't it crazy that even our labia are supposed to live up to conventional standards of beauty?!

Please, ladies. Having different shapes of your labia is absolutely normal. Only because Barbie does not have long lips doesn't mean it's not normal, pretty or unacceptable. Screw that. Also screw anyone who tells you otherwise. ("I don't like what you have, eh, hanging down there." This was the moment when I found out testicles are actually levitating on the sheer force of man's fragile ego - the more souls he degrades, the higher his balls fly. This was, like, the best thing I found out this month, right after the discovery of variety of uses of unicorn blood. Really, how cool is that?)

Just throw them out of a window right to the trash can with their opinions they try to scream to the world.

The owner of natural labia out.