Marine Corps Orders



So my boyfriend and I recently found out we’re expecting. Baby Kushy was not planned for or expected but already loved by both dad and myself. My bf told his NCOs today while at work and his Sgt has now ordered that I get a prenatal paternity test done or my bf won’t be released for any of my doctors appointments or the baby’s delivery if it’s during work hours. But if I get that paternity test they’ll help me get tricare and my bf will be allowed to all my appointments. I think this is fucking bull shit. I’ve had an ectopic pregnancy and several miscarriages. I’m only 6 weeks and they’re wanting a fucking dna test. They want me to agree for them to jab a needle at my baby or the father will miss literally the entire beginning of his life and won’t be there for to support me. My bf wants to be there he already lives with me but Marine Corps! I think it’s unfair of his NCOs to order this and that there should be a way to fight the order but I have no clue anymore. Any ideas? Advice? Anything? Cause I’m kinda up shit creek without a paddle now. Picture of my dog for attention.