selfish (long post)

I am upset 😡 .. First let me start by saying I don't have a license, my husband owns the car. We saved a lot of money to put on the down payment.. The first couple months my husband drove me to and from work and I appreciate it so much. before we moved to where we are now, he said he was gonna help me get my license back. Well nothing has happened and now I take the bus everywhere. the only time he drives me to work is if he works around the same time I do. Well today he was off and I had an interview, I asked him if he could take me and he said he was tired. I said cool no problem ill take an uber .. He didnt pick me up after I was done either but asked me to bring him a milkshake from sonic and some cinnabons from taco bell... I took the bus to sonic and then walked to taco bell then took an uber from taco bell home... I told him you owe me big time. I asked him are you gonna drop me off at work? and he goes again.. ayy but babe I'm tired and I feel under the influence (he takes xanies) so I'm like really, you've driven before like that even further and still he didn't wanna take me so I asked him if he can at least pick me up and he agreed. He texted me around I and asked me if I could take an uber home uz he was hanging out with our roommate and his brother... I'm like seriously 😒... I told him to forget about it ill take the bus home cuz I have no more money for uber. I get home and the only thing he asked is how much money you made tonight (I'm a server) I'm like youre not gonna ask me how my night was nothing no loss or anything and he says that's the same thing.. I'm like no its not..

We are planning to move to colorado but gotta save money first and I tell him that before we go id like to get my license fixed a and he's answer was oh but I hear there's a lot of thing near by.. I tell him that's not fair because he has a car to move around and in gonna be stuck somewhere I dont know with a bus route to get where I want...

I'm so mad because I feel like hes being absolutely selfish and only thinking about himself .. I go above and beyond for him and I get nothing from him not even a little . and I know I'm not supposed to expect anything when I do thing out of heart but he's abusing my love and loyalty.

I wanna talk to him and tell him that he needs to be less selfish and change that attitude because I don't wanna leave the state for him to be acting this way and then I'm stuck over there.

sorry for th long post I just had to vent