Ladies ; I really need your ADVICE!!


I've been dating my boyfriend for a year and lived together for the first 6 months . It was such a challenge in the beginning but I enjoyed being with him . I'm 20 weeks pregnant and we've moved back to the city we're from because he has children and this is my first. He hasn't been supportive at all emotionally ,physically , mentally and spiritually. He's been with his other babymother co parenting the kids. At this point we always manage to argue about the littlest things. He's even told me he needed a break , I really couldn't understand because it's not like we spend time with each other . He would call me here and there when he can to ask how my day was , not even ask how I'm feeling . When I try to explain myself it always ends in an argument , I've tried so many times to spend time with him but it's an excuse after excuse . Yet he mentioned he loved me. There's times when he literally ignores me , at this point I decided to start ignoring him . I hate this so much , am I in the wrong ?