Long Rant Ahead!

I don't even care if anyone responds. I have no one to talk to about my feelings, just need them out. I'm 19 years old, I married my best friend 3 months ago and we have the most beautiful 2 year old together(happy accident). I am extremely blessed to have had such intense support from my parents. Well financially, it took them both awhile to adjust(as any parents of 16 year old mothers) to the situation. The arrangement was that I wasn't allowed to move out until I'd graduated highschool. I graduated with a 3.5 GPA and 5 scholarships to my community college, a month later my now husband and I moved into our own apartment. I'm a full time college student and work part time. My husband was working out of town with a company based about 3 1/2 hours away from us. The owner didn't have work for him, for 3 weeks when he quit, came back home and went through about 3 different jobs in a one month time frame. He's been out of work for a month now, and I'm absolutely fed up. I go to class 9am-1pm then go to work at 2pm-8pm until Friday, then I work 10-4/5 then come home and do homework, study etc. The house is a mess. Everyday, I come home after an absolutely draining day to find clothes, dishes, trash everywhere. I'm baffled at how dirty it is. He does watch our son all day everyday. Though, when he was out of town 5 days a week, and home on the weekends, he would get absolutely furious if the house wasn't clean. That was with my current schedule on top of running my son back and forth to the babysitter between changes in the day. In a weeks time, his father and cousin will be staying with us during the week for work in our area. He wants the house clean. How on earth am I supposed to do this? Ive told him nicely, and not so nicely that I would be floored if he'd clean up the house. On top of that, he needs sex everyday. I apologize, but at the end of the day, I'm exhausted, I oblige because sometimes I do enjoy it, and I understand that it is typically how he gains his feeling of being loved, cared for and trusted. Then today at work, it sounds so childish, and it is but I'm beyond irritated. I went in at 2, got out at 8 the store closes at 9 and everyone is out by 9:30. I was light headed and my head was throbbing for about half my shift. My coworker who came in at 5 received a 30 minute break at 7 🙃 I received nothing. My manager snapped at me twice, I've done nothing wrong. I nearly cried on the spot. Today was one of those days where I just want to turn off the entire world, and resume everyday life in a day or two. Just gotta keep on keeping on..thank you for lending an ear, whoever does read this. I truly appreciate it.