For all the mommas out there who have had a c-section what are your thoughts on trying to have a “normal” birth after? My son was transverse so I had no choice but to have a section the first time. Now that I’m pregnant with my second I’m kinda torn. I don’t know what to do. HELP!

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Posted at
I had a long labor with an emergency c-section with my first. My second was a VBAC and it was amazing! I’d definitely recommend it if you’re interested in trying. The recovery was a lot easier. Good luck!


Leah • Dec 5, 2017
Thanks! It makes me nervous since I don’t really know what to expect. This helps.


Posted at
I agree that I'm scared to try for a VBAC, partly because i know what to expect for a csection, not for a vaginal birth. Partly, i don't want to get my hopes up and end up with another section. Sometimes I think it would be easier to just schedule a c section. In the end though, pretty sure I would regret not trying.


Debbie • Dec 9, 2017
When are you due with baby #2? Hope all goes beautifully! I'd love to keep in contact, it's nice knowing someone else who is going through the same thing!


Leah • Dec 9, 2017
Oh my gosh YES! My exact feelings!


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I think I’ve decided that I will schedule a c-section, but if baby decides to come before that, I’ll attempt a VBAC. 


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I won’t be. But my situation is a bit different, I laboured hard, drug free for nine hours on pitocin because I wanted a natural birth more than anything. I honestly couldn’t imagine why anyone would ever go for an elective c-section. And then my son’s cord prolapsed and I almost lost him. I was only dilated to a four, so majority of hospitals would send me home and he would have died. And I was put under general anesthetic, so I wasn’t present for my son’s birth, neither was my husband and I missed his first two hours of life being operated on. I know statistically the chances of this ever happening again are highly unlikely, but I refuse to not be present for my next baby’s birth.


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I have to have a c-section because of medical reasons. I would have loved the opportunity to have a VBAC. I think if your doctor is comfortable with it and you are too, give it a try!


Leah • Dec 11, 2017
Yeah, we will see. I get so nervous because it’s almost like going back to the same uncertainty of your first pregnancy. Constantly wondering what it will actually be like.


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I’m scheduling a c section for 41 weeks. If the baby decides to come before then great if not we will evict it! *This is a theoretical baby that’s why I said “it” because I’m not pregnant again but this is what I plan to do* I decided though with everything that happened with my first I would love to try for a natural birth again but most likely I’m going to be like my mom and unable to birth children naturally


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I VBAC with my second daughter and had no problems


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My specialist told me yesterday I could potentially try for a vbac but I am trying to look at options for childcare for our son and coming up empty so I am worried that's going to be my 'push comes to shove' back into a repeat ceaser.


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How far in age are they gonna be? Sometimes it depends on age


Nini • Jul 12, 2020
Not sure what she did but I ended up refusing VBAC and had a 2nd c section and it was great


Megho • Jul 12, 2020
What did u decide and what happened. M in same boat


Leah • Dec 11, 2017
I had a bad experience with my c-section recovery. So if I can skip that it would be ideal. Haha yeah, that is one upside you don’t have to go through labor but I felt like for me I definitely made up for it with recovery.