A random woman is in your car, which you're driving, now what?


So this is more for fun I guess. We're discussing a unsolved case that actually happened. A small part of which is when a man was driving in his truck when he feels some sort of weird movement. Probably assuming something fell over in the truck bed, he stops to check. He finds a catatonic young woman, who doesn't appear hurt and can even give him her name. She probably crawled into the bed at his last stop so the man just called the cops. So our question pertains to if you would call the cops too in this position or just tell her to get out of your vehicle and leave. One of our group argues that because he's a guy and she's a possibly drugged-looking woman in his car that he may either be blamed immediately for kidnapping her, or that she may become coherent later and accuse him of something. Another girl agreed simply because she's "not friendly looking", as she put it. What would you do? Keep in mind that she isn't hurt and can walk.

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